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Code for installation of overhead gantry crane rails

Release time:2022/10/22
This article is read:1690times

Specification for installation of overhead gantry crane rails Specification for installation of walking trailers Standard for installation of skew angle at rail junction of three cranes Rail installation of road transport vehicles or road transport vehicles and large excavators shall meet the following requirements to meet the safe and stable operation of transport vehicles and excavators. First, the first car shall be installed from the cab of the rear trailer near the bottom of the car. The side of the first gantry crane shall be equipped with a protective rod to the ground, and a safe distance of 3m shall be reserved. Secondly, for other vehicles, there should be a protective rod from the side of the cab mounted gantry crane to the ground, and a safe distance of 2m should be reserved. Third, the excavator can be installed independently, but other machines and trucks, transport trucks and their combination vehicles cannot be assembled with gantry cranes. When three machines are installed in the assembly procedure, clearance shall be reserved during unloading, that is, any one, two or three machines shall be lifted to one or two loading positions of a gantry crane before loading the other two or three machines from corresponding positions. When installing two machines, several mechanical positions must be kept at a certain distance, and protective devices should be installed when conditions permit. When two or more machines hoisted according to the qualified standards are in a group, the diameter of the centrifugal rack armor framework shall meet the loading and transportation needs of the crane. The clearance between the lifting frame and the decorative framework of the gantry crane shall not be greater than when the split hoisting is not required. When installing hoisting machinery of different models or different purposes, the overall skeleton diameter of each mechanical frame must be arranged in alignment with the main, secondary and opposite directions. The skeleton of the frame shall be vertical to the side beams or supports and kept in parallel with each other, and there shall be a safe distance for each point to be placed in parallel. The safe distance between each point of the frame frame on both sides of the excavator gantry crane and a better location. When installing two or three cranes or multiple cranes, according to the selection of multiple machines, the frame can move from the unloading of corresponding cranes to the placement of all straight arms after the installation of cranes. Acceptable standard During the whole assembly process, the number of machines in each section at high position before and after loading of any heavy machine shall meet the following standards: when binding the rails, the crane shall be assembled parallel to the rails at one time. In any case where hopper and oil replenishing device are not installed, the crane without delay hinge shall be equipped with two or three droop type slider feeder hoppers, and the interval shall be more than 3s before moving. When assembling the centralized trolley, all cranes shall be installed synchronously along the straight arm loading direction. The two machines have been installed at a higher position. Now it is only necessary to move the crane below the higher position forward and effectively ensure that the adjacent machine will not overlap. The rear assembly area of the crane can be reserved about 1m during transportation. Few qualified standard rails can accommodate one crane and one excavator to load and unload goods together for transportation or loading and unloading. After the bus technical requirements are assembled, three or more connection points shall be provided for three machines, and the connection points shall not be exchanged or disconnected. Sufficient heat dissipation network shall be set. When installing crane rails, large and small units shall meet the following installation standards respectively: for two wheeled excavators, two full positions shall be used as welding standards during assembly, and when two cranes load their own components, they shall be structured according to the calculated travel distance and the distance to the highest position.

Code for installation of overhead gantry crane rails
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